Saturday, December 8, 2012

Blog reflection crtic

1. Which projects did you review?
 I reviewed Elias project "Made of Itself", Linda's "Welcome To Wonderland", and Joe's "The Queen City".

2. Why did you select the Exhibit you critiqued?
I selected these exhibits beacsuse they were the only ones that I could see that actually showed up in my project 4 folder.

3. What challenges did you face in writing the critique article and how did you overcome them?
the challenges I faced were understanding them. With Elias Exhbit I really didn't understand what he was going for then as I keep going, I started to see what was his motive but I felt like as a critic he needed to do better because if I could not understand others may not either.

4. How do you feel about critiquing your peers work?
I felt good about critiqing my classmates work because it is good to look at others work so that one can learn from others on what they should do for the next time and how to get a better grade and a better understanding of the project.

5. Would you like to read the critique your peers wrote about your Art Curation Project?
Yes, that way I can know what I did wrong and what I need to work on.

6. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your finished article and why?
I would rate my article and 8 because it is finished to me but to others I may be missing a few things to make it a 10.

7. Did you enjoy working on this project?
I did, it was fun learning more about Italy and learning about others and their topics.

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